10 Tips to Enhance Your Energy


Did you know that your body is approximately 70% water? Every day you lose some of that vital fluid through your sweat and urine. It is crucial to drink water in order for your body to function optimally The body relies on water to move metabolic waste out of your tissues. If you struggle with drinking plain water try adding some lemon or cucumber slices to your cup first thing in the morning- you’ll find your metabolism will increase and your skin will have a healthy shine.

Daily Movement!

Ever feel sluggish after sitting around? Move! You can increase circulation by 10 times the normal rate with exercise. Your body depends on muscle movement to propel lymph fluid back to your heart. Some of the best exercises increasing blood flow and energy are rebounding on a trampoline, biking, swimming, walking, dancing and yoga (especially inversions and twists that activate lymph from the lower half of your body so that it can return to your blood circulation).


You can increase your immune system and energy with massage! Massage helps to flush accumulated toxins and bacteria from your tissues that may be creating inflammation, sinus congestion, frequent colds, headaches, digestion and skin issues. When you work on the specific regions in your body where your lymph nodes are located; your neck, armpits, abdomen and top of your thighs, you are stimulating your lymphatic and immune systems.


Getting enough quality sleep is crucial to increasing your energy overall. 8 hours of QUALITY sleep per night will make all the difference! At times you are feeling burnt out or run down you become more vulnerable to getting sick. Some great ways to improve sleep is by using an eye bag, taking an Epsom salt bath or lying on an infrared biomat an hour before getting into bed.

Dry Brushing!

This is a fantastic and cost-effective tool you can use to increase lymphatic circulation, improve appearance of cellulite and increase your energy. You can purchase a dry-brush at your local health food store or online. Always brush towards your heart. Aim for three to four times a week. Avoid any open wounds or sensitive areas. Use a light sweeping brush stroke on the skin. Rinse off in the shower after and follow with a hydrating cream!


The simple act of deep breathing changes the diaphragmatic pressure in your chest cavity that increases lymph flow. Not only does the rhythmic contraction of your breath bring air into your lungs, but deep breathing also stimulates the largest lymphatic vessel in your body- the thoracic duct- which absorbs, transports and drains lymph fluid from the lower half of your body. You can do this each day by placing your hands on your belly. When you inhale, simply expand your belly into your hands to a count of 3, and then soften your belly as you slowly exhale. Inhale and expand your abdomen, exhale and release. Repeat this 10-20 times. Try it when you’re lying in bed, standing in line at the grocery store, or doing your self-massage!

Saunas and Biomats!

These products are based on scientific research pioneered by NASA that takes the concept of sweating out your toxins down to the cellular level. Infrared technology can help decrease inflammation, reduce joint pain and muscle tension. They are one of best ways to get to sleep and stay asleep. If you’re looking for glowing skin and a quick way to burn calories, try an infrared sauna.

Stress Management!

Find ways to mitigate stress whether it's through meditation, listening to music, cooking, a walk in nature, or reconnect with friends and supportive family members. When you feel stressed the body releases the hormone cortisol. This hormone tricks the nervous system into fight or flight which over a sustained period of time can wreak havoc on your body, leading to headaches, digestive trouble, jaw pain, muscle tension, moodiness, and overall tension in your body!


Avoid processed foods, sugar, alcohol, tobacco, dairy, gluten and salt as much as you can! Incorporate anti-inflammatory herbs when you cook and eat more organic vegetables and fruits.


When we nurture ourselves and commit to self-love and self-care we seek out the simple ways to experience joy! Taking time for self-care can increase your well-being and allow you to empower yourself and others to spread love, health and happiness.


Curry Soba Noodle Bowls


Fitness: Cardio, Strength, Stretching